Palliative Care: Information in English
Palliative care involves the provision of advice, support and care to people suffering from an incurable and chronic progressive illness. The following pages provide information for patients and professionals.
What is meant by palliative care?
The concept of palliative care is mainly concerned with giving patients the best quality of life by:
- alleviating symptoms such as pain, shortness of breath, anxiety, depression or stressful circumstances in their personal life
- helping them identify objectives and wishes and thereby enabling them to remain independent for as long as possible
- helping with the planning of care and treatment, including in relation to emergency situations (emergency plan)
- building a support network of professionals and relatives
- supporting the relatives and caregivers
Palliative Care
Eggbühlstrasse 23
Verwaltungszentrum Eggbühl
8050 ZürichPostadresse:
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