Clinics & Institutes
We offer a wide range of high-quality medical treatment to the general public round the clock taking advantage of most modern diagnostics and therapy.
Our field of operation comprises 29 clinics, institutes and specialised sections. – Find contact details of the clinics on the German section of our website. You may call them in English.
- Medical Oncology, Haematology: Medizinische Onkologie, Hämatologie
- Radio-Oncology, Nuclear Medicine: Radioonkologie, Nuklearmedizin
- Rheumatology: Rheumatologie
- Medicine: Innere Medizin
- Gastroenterology, Hepatology: Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie
- Infectiology: Infektiologie, Spitalhygiene
- Cardiology: Kardiologie
- Neurology: Neurologie
- Pneumology: Pneumologie
- Dermatology (downtown): Dermatologie (external)
- Visceral, Thoracic, Vascular Surgery: Viszeral-, Thorax-, Gefässchirurgie
- General, Hand, Casualty Surgery: Allgemein-, Hand, Unfallchirurgie
- Orthopaedics: Orthopädie
- Neurosurgery: Neurochirurgie
- Heart surgery: Herzchirurgie
- Urology: Urologie
- Ophthalmology: Augenklinik
Women, Mother, Child
- Gynaecology and Maternité: Frauenklinik
- Children and Adolescents: Klinik für Kinder und Jugendliche
We regularly hold events where we give information about our maternity unit, giving birth at Triemli hospital and the premium care and services that we can offer. These events are held in English.
Furthermore we offer Childbirth Classes in English: Either Evening Classes or Weekend Courses.
Institutes (transversal)
- Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine Anästhesiologie, Intensivmedizin
- Radiology Radiologie
- Pathology Pathologie
- Laboratory Medicine Labormedizin
- Hospital Pharmacy Spitalapotheke