Sme contact point
The SME contact point is the point of contact for the concerns of small and medium-sized enterprises in the city of Zurich. It functions as a guide and guide if it is not clear which body within the city administration is responsible for a matter. The SME contact point clarifies simpler concerns directly with the responsible authorities of the city administration. In the event of conflicts with the city administration, it is available as a mediator. The SME contact point is operated by the Economic Development Agency of the City of Zurich
Further information and contacts
- The page provides a compact overview of the legal bases at federal and cantonal level as well as the responsible bodies.
- The SME portal of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO is a helpful source of information on a wide range of SME topics.
- The Trade Section of the Zurich City Police issues permits for the use of public land for special purposes (VBöGS).
- The Economics Section is responsible for obtaining permits in the field of inns .
- Do you see potential for improvement in cantonal regulations and procedures? Then the Coordination Office for Corporate Relief will be happy to receive your suggestions.
Anlaufstelle KMU
Tel. +41 (0)44 412 36 33