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    North American Native Museum

    From May 3, 2024 to March 16, 2025: Special exhibition - Move. Indigenous cultures on the move.

    Tony Duncan, Hoop Dance Performance, NONAM. Foto: Jonathan Labusch

    Kayaks glide silently over rivers and lakes, snowshoes carry you through snow-covered landscapes and surfboards provide the ultimate thrill in the surf. Kayaks and the like are as familiar to us as skis and bicycles, and lacrosse is also becoming increasingly popular in Switzerland. But where do the games and equipment that have long been part of our sports repertoire come from? If you want to know what kayaks and surfboards were once invented for, who needs to watch out for the snow snake and what sport and exercise have to do with making amends, you can find out here. Move invites you on a journey through moving worlds. Let's move!

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