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    Pilot Project 1: Creative Tech for Good


    By conducting this pilot project, «Creative Tech for Good», Stadt Zürich Kultur was looking to support new art forms that have not previously been the focus of municipal funding. The pilot project supported cultural practitioners and creatives who are using technology in new ways and looking at how technology is changing society. In addition, it tested out new processes of evaluation, involving all applicants in the selection process. This gives the cultural practitioners and creatives their own voice and strengthens networking within the scene.

    The Call for Entry ended on 4 July 2021. 37 project drafts were submitted. Based on recommendations of the jury consisting of five people,  «Kultur Labor Zürich» granted CHF 4000.- each for 6 projects.

    The Cultural Department of Zurich is very pleased, that this call for entry was met with such interest. The submissions were very diverse and came from different fields such as gaming, design and the arts. A very high number of projects were submitted by teams that came from different fields. The jury was especially happy about the engaged nature of the concepts and the impressive projects. 

    The teams of the 6 selected pilot-drafts had until 26 September to further develope their prototypes. These simple prototypes were then submitted for an online voting from 1.-12. Oktober 2021. Only those who submitted their own projects were eligible to vote.

    Funding for three projects

    Most of the votes went to «Kunst-Surfer» in the first round of voting. Second place went to three projects who all received the same amount of votes. Based on the equal distribution of votes, a second round of Online-Voting was set up. Based on the final results, «Kultur Labor Zürich» will support the following projects with CHF 25 000.- each.

    Kunst Surfer

    by Heiko Schmid, Chiara Giardi, Evita Verbrugge, Itay Blaish, Ugo Pecoraio from Zurich, Küsnacht and Basel

    Time Flies

    by Michael Frei & Raphaël Munoz from Zurich and Geneve

    Turing Agency

    by Sereina Rothenberger, Philipp Meier, Roland Fischer, Melanie Bossert, Jessica Jurassica, Marie Kilg, Matteo Taramelli, Lars Hofstetter from Zurich, Bern, Basel and Munich.

    These 6 projects were selected for online voting by the jury

    The pilot project in detail

    more information