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Elternorientierung auf Englisch


Laufbahnzentrum, Konradstrasse 58, 8005 Zürich
  • Ideal für: Erwachsene
  • Eintritt: Gratis

Choosing an education and finding a vocational education training place? We will tell you how.

If you need information about the choice of education and how to find a vocational education training place, you are very welcome to our event.



  • The Swiss education system
  • How to choose an education and how to find a VET place
  • Our services and support

The event will be hosted by our experienced career counsellors who are looking forward to answering your questions.


Target group

Parents of pupils at the age of their first educational choice, from 2nd Secondary up, family members and other interested parties.



No registration is required. Free entry. 

Stadt Zürich
Konradstrasse 58
8005 Zürich