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Appraisal factors

The jury will make an overall assessment of the submissions, taking into account the following objectives and principles:

  • The renovation must not have glaring weaknesses in any sustainability dimension – special attention is paid to social compatibility.
  • The conversion is to have taken place within the framework of a viable overall strategy of building management and renewal.
  • The refurbishment must have a high innovative content in at least one sustainability dimension.

The list of criteria in the official tender documentation shows – in the sense of a checklist – the various aspects of sustainable renovation and provides information on possible measures.

The basic structure of the assessment criteria follows the criteria grid of the SIA standard 112/1. A simplification or clarification of this criteria grid with regard to relevance for the present award procedure has been made.

In principle, a description of the measures is made by the entries in the criteria relevant to the specific project. On the one hand, this takes place in the form of a short textual explanation on the poster and in the form. It can be supplemented by suitable material that documents the measures (plans, drawings, photos, videos, calculations, proofs, etc.). The aim is for those entering to demonstrate the innovative content of their refurbishment in a comprehensible manner.

Not all criteria are equally relevant for all projects. Participants are expected to explain and substantiate those measures that specifically distinguish their project.
The completion of all innovation criteria is therefore not mandatory or the filling of generally valid standard sentences is not expedient. Project-specific relevant statements are expected that are geared to the goal of the call for proposals and highlight the innovative content of the project.

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