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Housing for all 2002-2006

The concrete achievement of the goals according to legislative reporting

In 2002, the city council defined the following goals as part of the legislative focus "Housing for all", which should promote a good housing supply:

  • Promotion of missing housing segments (e.B. large apartments) through conversion and new construction (continuation of the 10,000 apartments programme) with a focus on large family apartments
  • Necessary renewal of the stock and adaptation to today's needs
  • Support for target group-specific housing projects (target: 200 retirement homes and 200 apartments for young people in training)
  • Promotion of low-cost and experimental housing construction
  • Promotion of high-quality residential construction activity
  • Transitional housing for families and other people in emergency situations as well as asylum seekers

What has been achieved?

The programmes stimulated both residential construction activity in large apartments and the housing supply for specific target groups. This can also be seen in the turnaround in population development: the population has been growing slightly again since the end of the 90s. In 2004, for the first time in over 30 years, a birth surplus occurred. 

10,000 apartments in 10 years

Since the start of the programme in 1998, more than 8,000 new apartments have been built by mid-2005, of which 4,500 with at least 4 rooms. Compared to the 90s, annual housing production has been over 50% higher since the turn of the millennium. The proportion of family-friendly, larger apartments increased significantly.

The target of "10,000 apartments in 10 years" defined in the year was significantly exceeded by 2008. Natural persons built around 30% of the apartments, cooperatives around 20%. About one in six stock corporations were builders, and about one seventh pension funds.

Youth living

With an increase in supply of 607 units, the target of 200 additional housing options for young people has been significantly exceeded.
The growth took place primarily in the area of rented apartments. Due to the increasing demand, the offer must be further expanded by own new buildings.

Retirement living

The goal of 200 additional retirement homes has been achieved. The construction projects that have been launched comprise a total of 605 new residential units. On the other hand, there is the departure of almost 200 retirement homes that no longer meet today's standards.

However, the upcoming renovations and apartment mergers show that the supply of retirement homes of the Foundation for Age-Appropriate Housing will decrease over the next 15 years despite several new construction projects. For this reason, the foundation is also dependent on land offers from the city beyond the legislature.

New forms of financing

For the attention of the municipal council, a package of CHF 115 million was drawn up with four "Housing Loans 2005" for new buildings and renovations: two framework loans for youth housing and non-profit housing developers and two increases in foundation capital.

Furthermore, influence was exerted on the cantonal Housing Promotion Ordinance in order to make rent surcharges for renovations more affordable even for small household incomes. A study clarified the consolidation potential of apartments. At cantonal level, the legal prerequisites for a "fonds de roulement" must be created. Furthermore, a simplification of housing subsidies is imperative.

Renewal programme in urban residential properties

The municipal property management pursues various renewal strategies from repair to replacement. In 25 major conversion and replacement construction projects, it will realize an increase of over 400 4- to 6-room apartments by 2009 (at the expense of around 760 small apartments with 1 to 3 rooms).

The apartment type of 5- and 6-room apartments, which was previously virtually non-existent in urban residential properties, will be raised to almost 250 apartments. The modernized and the replacement new apartments offer twice as much space as the old apartments.

Advising building cooperatives

Two workshops and the advice of the Funding Agency for Non-Profit Housing supported the building cooperatives and other non-profit property developers in their strategic considerations in the renewal of their properties.

Emergency housing

An information event on the subject of "Emergency housing in the city of Zurich and its importance in the housing market" sensitized broad circles to the concerns and offers of housing and homeless assistance. Since this event, the stock of emergency apartments has been increased by more than 10 percent (36 apartments).

This means that the target of 100 additional apartments has not been achieved. However, in view of the tense situation on the housing market and the continuous loss of shared living space, this result is satisfactory for the time being. However, the difficult task remains that more space must be available for temporary living.

Dialogue with the public

The activities included six newsletters that reported on the development of the individual subprojects.

In addition, three well-attended public discussion events as well as an event for private homeowners took place. In addition, an update of the publications on the subject of "Living in Zurich – Facts and Contexts" was published. A book on the results of eight years of housing programmes is in preparation.

Newsletter Housing for all

From 2003 to 2005, the newsletter "Housing for All" provided information about the project every six months. All issues can be downloaded here.

Urban housing policy still necessary?

Due to the continuing influx into the city, the housing supply must also be increased and adapted in the future. The city's efforts must continue to focus on good framework conditions for private housing, support for non-profit housing construction and a good living environment.

Contact person

Alex Martinovits,Tel. 044 412 36 90
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