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August 2014

Rent and income

Evaluation of the Swiss Labour Force Survey (SAKE) for the city of Zurich with selected comparisons beyond the city.
Cover of the study on rent and income
August 2014

Rent and income

Evaluation of the Swiss Labour Force Survey (SAKE) for the city of Zurich with selected comparisons beyond the city.

Overall, there are enough middle-income apartments in the city of Zurich. There is a shortage for the very lowest incomes. In the long term, this can only be mitigated by expanding the subsidised housing supply in accordance with the cantonal Housing Promotion Act.

Based on the individual situation of the respondents, it is also shown that households with below-average incomes live significantly more often in cheap rental apartments than households with higher incomes. And in cooperative apartments live significantly fewer well-paid people from the top income fifth (only 14 percent) than in the other rental apartments (34 percent) and than in the condominiums (43 percent), which speaks of a different, much more on lower and middle income focused population mix among the cooperatives. This is a desirable connection from both a social and housing policy point of view.