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March 2009

Scarce living space in the city of Zurich

Facts about the housing market and housing search
March 2009

Scarce living space in the city of Zurich

Facts about the housing market and housing search

The aim of the present study was to use a mix of objective quantitative key figures and subjective qualitative interviews with apartment seekers to conduct a fact-based objectification of the housing policy debate. The statistical facts prove what is already known from other sources: Zurich has a tense housing market.

The interviews investigated the question of how apartment seekers can cope with the framework conditions when looking for accommodation, what their framework conditions and demands are. They show that not all apartment seekers who speak of a "housing shortage" or at least of a very difficult apartment search with regard to their situation actually have it so difficult from an objective point of view. For some specific groups, however, the search on the zurich housing market is very tedious.