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December 2016

Company Survey 2016

Zurich companies – very satisfied and challenged
December 2016

Company Survey 2016

Zurich companies – very satisfied and challenged

The fourth company survey shows a high overall satisfaction of the Zurich companies surveyed. With a grade point average of 4.84, satisfaction with Zurich as a location is the second highest level since the first survey in 2005. The universities and the quality of life are mentioned as the most positive location factors. In addition to traffic, companies see difficulties in the rent level for shop and production locations as well as in the availability of foreign workers from third countries.


When asked about the general business outlook, 23 percent of companies expect an improvement, 17 percent a deterioration. After all, a quarter assume that Zurich will become even more attractive as a location – a still high value in view of the many uncertainties such as the implementation of corporate tax reform III or the future possibilities for employing workers from third countries.