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Migration Conference 2017

Migration Conference 2017: Rethinking refugee protection!

Considerations for dealing with involuntary migration in the 21st century

The Zurich Migration Conference 2017 discusses ways in which future forms of international or "interurban" refugee protection could look like. It is about principles and practical starting points that call into question the existing as unprejudiced as possible and point out future-oriented orientation points. Because the asylum system needs new, innovative models. Three speakers will develop reflections and theses on this topic. They are based on their specific experience and professional competences:

  • Daniel Endres has many years of expertise in global refugee protection. He is involved in the implementation of the 2016 New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants and is the UNHCR Director for Comprehensive Responses.
  • Gerald Knaus is a migration researcher and chairman of the European Stability Initiative (ESI). He is considered one of the architects of the "EU/Turkey refugee deal".
  • Philipp Aerni heads the Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability at the University of Zurich and conducts research on city foundations, among other things.

The conference will be complemented by a contribution by Zurich Mayor Corine Mauch on current initiatives in European cities and the partnership-based refugee policy of the City of Zurich, as well as by a "carte blanche" for illustrator Olivier Kugler. Among other things, he draws reports and gives an insight into his work with Syrian refugees.

More information about this year's migration conference can be found in the detailed programme.

The Zurich Migration Conference takes place once a year in autumn and deals with current migration policy issues.

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