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Migration Conference 2019

The City Council of Zurich defines its integration policy objectives for each legislature. Their implementation takes place mainly within the framework of so-called regulatory structures or through specific support measures. This division and localization is now provided for by law.

However, history and everyday life show that integration also succeeds in other ways. Often enough, especially where it is not captured and promoted by customer-oriented services or by programs, agendas or measures.

These "third places" of integration are the focus of the Zurich Migration Conference 2019.


(10:00 - approx. 11:45 Preliminary program: Visit of the residential and commercial settlement FOGO at Altstetten station)

12.45   Arrival, coffee and something sweet  

13.30   Welcome
            Integration policy goals of the city council 2019 - 2022
            Corine Mauch, Mayor

            Third Places of Integration 1
Dialogue between integration promotion and AOZ
            Christof Meier, Head of IF / Thomas Kunz, Director AOZ

            The new Oodi Central Library - a place for many(s)

            Stephanie Polochowitz, ALA Architects, Helsinki

15.15   Public spaces as integrative spaces of possibility
            Stefan Kurath, architect and urbanist, urbaNplus and ZHAW

            Integration dynamics in neighbourhoods
            Meike Müller, Institute for Socio-Cultural Development hslu

            Integration also takes place unexpectedly
            Lelia Hunziker, Cantonal Councillor AG and Managing Director FIZ

            Third places of integration 2
Panel discussion with the speakers

17.00   Conclusion of the conference

Moderation: Rebekka Salm, AOZ

Program in detail 

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