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Xu Yuxiang, Board Member


Nationality: China
Occupation:  Chinese Union Zurich (Board)
In Zurich since:
German, Chinese, English

All inhabitants of a community should feel comfortable in the community. Where they originally come from should not matter. This is easy to say, but hard to do. Only if everyone helps each other, the goal can be achieved. As a resident of the city of Zurich , I would also like to make my contribution. Working in the ABR offers me a good opportunity to do so. 
不管原先来自哪里,每个居民在自己的社区都应该能舒适地生活。 这一点说起来容易做起来难。 只有大家相互帮助这个目标才能达到。 作为苏黎世的一个居民我愿意为此作出贡献。 参与外国人咨询委员会的工作会帮助我更好地实现我的愿望。

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