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Apostolic Ileana


Nationality: Romania
Occupation: Urban researcher NetHood <> & ETH Zurich; Commitment: Association L200 <> (co-founder; Vice president; Board), Forum 5im5i (Board), Neustart Schweiz (Member).
In Zurich since: May 2011
Languages:  German, English, French, Italian, Romanian (native)

My motivation is twofold to get involved in the Foreigners' Advisory Board. On the one hand, as a Zurich native, it enables me to be forward-looking in Swiss democracy and to exert influence, which goes hand in hand with my professional vision. In the context of the right to the city (to centrality and difference), I conducted research on the production of space and the urban qualities in contemporary cities, focusing on the relationship between social norms and spatial forms. At the same time, I participate in various bottom-up organizations to implement integrated and sustainable neighborhoods. On the other hand, after more than twenty years abroad, also in California, Germany and France, I hope to have the opportunity to build bridges between my experiences in other countries and the city of Zurich, which I consider to be the most progressive democracy.

Nationalities: Romana
Ocupatie profesionala: cercetare urbana NetHood <> & ETH Zurich; activitate civica: Association L200 <> (co-fondator, vicepresedinte, CA); Forum 5im5i (CA), New Start Switzerland (membra).
In Zurich din: May 2011
Limbi straine: germana, engleza, franceza, italiana

Dorinta mea de a activa ca membra a Consiliului cetatenilor straini in Zurich are doua fatete. Pe de o parte, ca Zürcherin imi ofera posibilitatea de a fi proactiva si a avea influenta in democratia elvetiana, ceea ce se imbina cu visiunea mea profesionala. In contextul drepturilor urbane la centralitate si la diferenta, conduc cercetare privind productia spatiala si calitatile spatiului urban in orasele contemporane, punand accent pe relatia dintre normele sociale si formele urbane. In acelasi timp sunt activa in diverse organizatii civice in favoarea cartierelor integrate si durabile. Pe de alta parte, dupa mai mult de douazeci de ani traiti in afara tarii, am speranta ca voi putea sa realizez legaturi intre experientele pe care le-am acumulat in alte tari si orasul Zürich, care din perspectiva mea este cea mai avansata democratie.

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