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"By helping all members of society to participate in education, equal opportunities prevent untapped talent from lying idle." (SKBF: Swiss Education Report 2006)

The aim of the working group is to implement this understanding of equal opportunities in the education policy of the City of Zurich (along the "Day School 2025" project). This means:

... that parents are empowered in their educational mission

... that institutional discrimination doesn't stand a chance in schools

... that educational monitoring is developed that takes into account important aspects for the development of educational opportunities for children with a migrant background

Topics and Projects

In Zurich, the heterogeneity of the student body in terms of countries of origin, socio-cultural backgrounds and learning skills is steadily increasing. Children with a migrant background have a lot of potential (including but not limited to multilingualism) that needs to be encouraged. If parents are involved in school activities as early as possible, this also promotes their own integration.

The working group would like to participate in an educational strategy for children with a migrant background with other actors and is available to the city council as an advisory body, especially in the area of information deficits on the part of parents. According to the meeting with the city council on 22.11.2018, support from the ABR is welcomed, especially in the area of information deficits of parents. This work is constantly being adapted and expanded in line with the educational policy goals of the City of Zurich.

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