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Expo Milano 2015

A sip of Zurich at the World Exhibition in Milan - 500,000 visitors

Under the motto "Un Sorso di Zurigo – Energia per la Vita", the city and canton of Zurich as well as Zurich Tourism in the Swiss Pavilion at the World Exhibition in Milan showed the impact of clean water on the innovative strength and quality of life of a region.

The Zurich exhibition attracted around 500,000 visitors for three months . In particular, the recyclable glass objects, the innovative Water Filter DrinkPure from the ETH spin-off Novamem and Aquaponic, the combined fish and vegetable farming, which was further developed at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), were able to inspire the audience.

The specialist and public events as part of the Zurich Week on the topics of food research, Zurich fashion, game design as well as the Gotthard corridor and the sustainable use of food were also very well received. Over more than 25 days, the Zurich music programme with contributions from jazz to electro provided an additional cultural dimension in Zurich's performance and gave the Swiss Pavilion an urban touch.

The appearance at the World Exhibition in Milan was accompanied by a three-year PR campaign, which generated around 20 million contacts and was able to position Zurich as an attractive cultural city and innovative place of knowledge. The approach of Milan and Zurich as part of the NEAT opening was also discussed in the media.

With the opening of the Gotthard Base Tunnel in 2016 and the Ceneri Base Tunnel in 2019, Zurich and Milan, two of the strongest economic regions in Europe, are moving together on a three-hour travel time. Zurich's participation in the Expo was therefore a good opportunity to present Zurich's qualities to a broad Italian audience and to strengthen relations with the Milanese government, business and universities.

Zurich at the World Exhibition in Milan 2015
Zurich at the World Exhibition in Milan 2015
<p>Impressions of Zurich's presence in the SChweizer Pavillon at the World Exhibition in Milan: Swiss Pavilion, Grand Opening with Mayor Corine Mauch, Government Councillor Ernst Stocker, Ambassador Nicolas Bideau and Director Zurich Tourism Martin Sturzenegger, Dada Raum, Un Sorso di Zurigo Glas Fisch, Urban Gardening Raum, Brandy Butler on Stage, One Truth Street Artists<br> </p>

One project, many partners

Switzerland's presence at Expo Milano 2015 was led by Presence Switzerland in the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs . In addition to the cities of Zurich, Geneva and Basel as "official city partners", the partners of the Swiss Pavilion included the cantons of Graubünden, Ticino, Valais and Uri as well as various Swiss companies in the food sector.

Integrated location and destination marketing Zurich

Zurich's presence took place as part of the integrated location and destination marketing of the city and canton of Zurich as well as Zurich Tourism. With the joint brand "Zurich. World Class – Swiss Made», the three partners are bundling their activities in order to strengthen Zurich's image in Switzerland and in the international environment.

For the Zurich Appearance and the Zurich Week, the City and Canton of Zurich as well as Zurich Tourism worked together with various partners. Official suppliers were the glass and glass container manufacturers Vetropack and O-I. The scientific partnerships included ETH Zurich and the World Food System Center, the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and Novamem. In the cultural field it was: Jazzclub Moods, Miteinander GmbH, 100 Dada 2016 Zurich, Cabaret Voltaire, Street Parade, Zurich Game Festival Ludicious, Pro Helvetia, Istituto Svizzero di Roma (ISR) and Mode Suisse. The Zurich Shipping Company acted as a tourism partner.

Contact person

Yves Bisang, Tel: +41 44 412 36 83
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