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Umbrella brand Zurich

In 2011, the "Integrated Location and Destination Marketing" (ISDM) was founded as a cooperation between the City of Zurich, the Canton of Zurich and Zürich Tourism as an effective instrument for the joint presentation of Zurich as a location abroad and a joint brand was created. After four years of proven partnership between the institutions, the cornerstones of the partnership were renewed in 2016 and the cooperation was extended for another five years. The aim of the ISDM 2016–2020 is to further consolidate Zurich's image through jointly defined brand building blocks and to position the Zurich brand as a research, education and business location as well as a tourism destination through four events in defined target markets. The "Zurich meets your City" series includes an annual cultural and knowledge festival in a city of interest to the ISDM parties and other partners such as zurich-based universities or private companies – in 2014 this was New York, in 2016 London, in 2017 Hong Kong, and in 2018 it will be San Francisco. In addition, the three ISDM core parties use synergies where they arise in individual marketing activities and use their infrastructures, capabilities and networks at home and abroad to support ISDM.

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