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Contact Form «Paternity Recognition»

For an acknowledgment of paternity before (pre) or after (post) birth, we kindly ask you to complete the form below. This allows us to inform you of any further steps to be taken to recognise your child.

In order to advise you properly, we appreciate you filling in all the boxes/fields. Boxes/Fields that you do not have an answer for, simply note "unknown".

You are required to complete only one of two forms: birth or acknowledgment of paternity

Contact Form «Paternity Recognition»
Father of the child
Mother of the child
First child together?
Is joint custody desired?
Confirmation of data

To avoid spam-messages, please answer the following question:

Which number is the lowest:

9, 8 or 1

Important: An unencrypted copy of the content of this form is being sent to the «email address» entered in the «email» field.

Your message will be transmitted in a secure way (encrypted) to the administration of the city of Zurich.

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