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Bank Details

It is absolutely essential that the proceedings reference number (V-Nr.) be stated on any payments made by banking transfer. In case of omission we shall not be able to allocate your payment, resulting in the transmission of your records to the municipal court authority of the city of Zurich for adjudication.


Bank account in Switzerland

Stadt Zürich, Stadtpolizei, Verkehrskontrollabteilung, 8001 Zürich
IBAN: CH31 0900 0000 8000 2231 7
Bank: Postfinance

Bank account in Germany
Stadt Zürich, Finanzverwaltung Zürich, Stadtpolizei, VKA, 8001 Zürich
IBAN: DE90 6601 0075 0008 5967 57
Bank: Deutsche Postbank Karlsruhe