Aemtlerstrasse 149
8003 Zürich
A message from your host, Kristin:
“In the spirit of the eighteenth-century salon – informal gatherings of intellectuals – Death Salon encourages conversations on mortality and mourning and their resonating effects on our culture and history.” - The Order of the Good Death
I have taken this on as an umbrella under which to work as the hostess of the Zurich Death Salon. In addition to always being a safe space to share, some of the Salons (announced ahead of time) will also include an opportunity to participate in activities, listen to lectures and presentations, and experience creative expression and performances.
The space will be held for us all to talk about anything and everything death / mourning / grief.
You’re welcome to come and sit and just be. Or share. Or just listen. There are no rules.
(There will never be any pressure to share.)
We’re thrilled to be generously hosted by Friedhof Forum / Museum über Leben und Tod. Thanks to Reto Bühler for making this collaboration a reality.
The evening will be held primarily in English but we welcome everyone and encourage you to speak in your mother tongue.
There will be a bar with snacks and drinks available and we’ll have a short break halfway through the evening.
Reservations are recommended:
About your Hostess:
Kristen Vermilyea is a filmmaker, artist, creative consultant and death doula.
"I’ve been making art about death my entire life in an attempt to learn how to mourn and have spent the past several years developing a documentary film about this process. I was drawn to train as a death doula by my love of collecting stories, documenting lives and helping others to become more comfortable with this taboo subject.
An essential part of my practice as an interdisciplinary artist and creative consultant is to introduce levity in the face of taboo subjects, such as death and dying.
I believe humor is one of the most powerful tools we have when we’re dealing with uncomfortable subjects. Speaking about death without censoring ourselves or worrying about what might be “appropriate” is imperative; after all, the things we speak the least about are the things we are most scared of.
So let’s get together and talk about it!