On the evening of February 26, the special commission of the presidential department and the school and sports department, accompanied by Mayor Corine Mauch and representatives of the presidential department and the school and sports department, boarded the night train in Feldkirch to Vienna. Vienna was one of the first cities in Europe to adopt a Smart City Strategy - one important topic for the commission. Apart from the meeting with the Smart City Agency of Vienna, which has published the second version of the strategy, the three days offered a diverse exchange on various topics that are on the political agenda of the special commission and the two departments: The spectrum ranged from citizen participation via participatory budgets on a district level, over cluster schools that include all levels from kindergarten to university, to the promotion of dance and theater. Furthermore, the delegation from Zurich visited the ambitious development area Seestadt Aspern, two urban development areas in the city center (at the Nordbahnhof and behind the main railway station) and the new campus of the Vienna University of Economics and Business. However, the highlight was the reception by Mayor Michael Ludwig and the subsequent lunch with around half of his twelve city councillors.