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    Truth Detectives

    Raphael Perret, Anja Reis, Jann Anderegg und John Klima; Zürich, Berlin & Lissabon

    All around the world, citizens, activists and journalists collect evidence of human rights violations by using mobile devices to film and photograph their experiences. This material is shared almost in real time via social media. Using open source intelligence (OSINT) methods such as geo location tracking, satellite imagery and meta data analysis, digital investigators sift through this flood of information, in hopes of gathering evidence to hold perpetrators of war crimes and human rights violations accountable.

    Truth Detectives—a very serious game trains you to become a full–fledged OSINT investigator. Learn how to use OSINT tools and gain experience by reconstructing real–world cases of human rights violations, preparing you to support activist networks like Amnesty International. 

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