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Time Flies

Michael Frei & Raphaël Munoz; Zürich & Genf

A short game about our limited time in this world.

Time Flies is small browser game. You play it as a fly. The game duration adapts to the life expectancy in the country where the player is located. A Swiss player has 83 seconds to live while a player from Chad only gets 49 seconds. Your life is short. Make the best out of the time you have. Because we are all going to die.

A game that is both full of delights and cruel. Every object in the world, which reacts dynamically to the player's interaction with it, invites exploration. But caution! The life of a fly is not only short but also dangerous. Mirroring the fact that our lifetime is limited and varies depending on the region we live in, the game illustrates how it is harder to fulfil one’s life goals when one has less time to live. We’d be happy if the project prompted people to reflect on their socioeconomic status and perhaps even their goals in life.

We want to make a web game that is fun to play but also raises ethical and philosophical questions: How does where you are born shape your life? Why are we privileged compared to others? What are we doing with our time in this world? Do we choose our own life goals or are they chosen for us? Do we even want or need goals?

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